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zephyr on Tang Mega 138K

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Zephyr Tang Mega 138K Pro Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Hardware Information

  • FreeRTOS Tang Mega 138K Pro Dock
  • A Type A to C Cable
  • A UART Cable
  • Power supply come with the board

Installation Steps

The following example uses a Linux system for the build. For Windows, install the AE350 SOC RDS and perform the same operations in the provided Cygwin environment, unless otherwise specified.

If IDE functionality is not needed, a Windows build does not require an RDS License.

Copy Code

Zephyr code is located in the source archive at ref_design/MCU_RefDesign/ae350_zephyr. Extract it to your workspace.

Build Code

Navigate to the code directory and set environment variables:

source zephyr-env.sh
export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT='cross-compile

Set the cross-compilation toolchain, preferably using nds32le-elf-mculib-v5:

export CROSS_COMPILE=path/to/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5/bin/riscv32-elf-

For Windows, this file is located in the toolchains directory of the RDS installation.

Navigate to the hello_world directory:

cd samples/hello_world

Prepare the build files:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBOARD=adp_xc7k_ae350 ../

Graphically configure build options: make menuconfig

Build the source code: make

Obtain FPGA Bitstream

The Tang Mega 138K supports this feature only in the commercial version

The FPGA project can use the demo provided by Sipeed, located in the ae350_customized_demo directory of the TangMega-138KPro-example. The bitstream has already been compiled and does not need regeneration.

Download Bitstream

Connect the FPGA and use the GowinCloud software to download the bitstream.

Flash Program

Use programmer.exe located in the flash directory of the RDS for flashing. Set up as follows:

  • External Flash Mode 5AT
  • exFlash C Bin Erase, Program 5AT
  • Start address: 0x600000

If there is no output after flashing, try re-downloading the bitstream.

Connect UART

The default UART2 is bound to:

IO_LOC "UART2_TXD" U16;     //1
IO_LOC "UART2_RXD" V16;     //2

Log into the System

Log into the system via the serial port.

Expected Results

The system should boot normally and allow login through the onboard serial port.

Actual Results

Compiled and flashed the image successfully, but there is no output from the serial port.

Boot Log


Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion