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FreeRTOS Tang Mega 138K Pro Test Report
Test Environment
Operating System Information
- Build System: Linux
- FreeRTOS
- Source Code Download Link:
- Reference Installation Document:
- Reference Design Document:
Hardware Information
- Tang Mega 138K Pro Dock
- A Type A to C cable
- A UART serial cable
- Power supply come with the board
Installation Steps
The following steps are for building in a Linux environment. For Windows, please install AE350 SOC RDS and use the included Cygwin environment. Unless stated otherwise, the operations are the same.
If IDE functionality is not required, RDS License is not necessary for building in Windows.
Copy and Patch Code
FreeRTOS code can be found in the source code archive at ref_design/MCU_RefDesign/ae350_freertos. Extract it to your working directory.
For Linux: patch the Debug/makefile: Replace the following content:
diff --git a/Debug/makefile b/Debug/makefile
index eb97e6d..232a162 100644
--- a/Debug/makefile
+++ b/Debug/makefile
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $(SECONDARY_OUTPUT_PATH)/.PHONY.size: $(LINKER_OUTPUTS)
@echo 'Invoking: LdSaG Tool'
- nds_ldsag --version=v5 -t "$(ANDESIGHT_ROOT)/utils/nds32_template_v5.txt" "$(SAG_FILE)" -o $(LDSAG_OUT)
+ cp ../src/bsp/sag/ae350-ddr.ld $(LDSAG_OUT)
@echo 'Finished building: $@'
@echo ' '
If it fails, ensure the line endings are CRLF.
Replace the working path:
find -name "*.mk" -exec sed -i "s|/cygdrive/E/RDS5/workspace/ae350_freertos|$(pwd)|g" {} \;
Compile Code
Unpack the cross-compilation toolchain, preferably nds32le-elf-mculib-v5. Refer to its location as $(nds32_path)
Compile the target file:
cd Debug
make CROSS_COMPILE=$(nds32_path)/bin/riscv32-elf-
Open the Cygwin environment included with RDS: Run Cygwin.bat in the RDS installation directory.
Navigate to the source code folder (disks are located under /cygdrive/$(drive_letter)
Compile the target file, with RDS_ROOT being replaced by your RDS installation path:
cd Debug
make ANDESIGHT_ROOT=<RDS_ROOT> CROSS_COMPILE=<RDS_ROOT>/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5/bin/riscv32-elf-
Get FPGA Bitstream
Tang Mega 138K support is available only in the commercial version
The FPGA project can use the demo provided by Sipeed, found in the ae350_customized_demo from the TangMega-138KPro-example. The bitstream is pre-compiled and does not need to be regenerated.
Download Bitstream
Connect the FPGA and use the Gowin’s cloud software to download the bitstream.
Flash the Program
Use programmer.exe located in the flash directory of the RDS. Set up as follows:
- External Flash Mode 5AT
- exFlash C Bin Erase, Program 5AT
- Start address: 0x600000
If there’s no output after flashing, try re-downloading the bitstream.
Connect Serial Port
The default UART2 is bound to:
IO_LOC "UART2_TXD" U16; //1
IO_LOC "UART2_RXD" V16; //2
View Output
Check the FreeRTOS output through the serial port.
Expected Results
The system should boot normally and allow you to view FreeRTOS output via the onboard serial port.
Actual Results
The system booted successfully and the FreeRTOS output was visible through the onboard serial port.
Boot Log
Name: FreeRTOS-AE350_SOC
Edition: V10.3.1
Compiled: Apr 16 2024, 16:25:50
Author: GowinSemiconductor
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Test Criteria
Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.
Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.
Test Conclusion
Test successful.
Source: Support Matrix