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nuttx on Star64

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Last Update


NuttX Star64 Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Hardware Information

  • Development Board: Star64
  • USB A to C / USB C to C Cable
  • SD Card

Installation Steps

Preparing Source and Environment

Get the toolchain:

wget https://static.dev.sifive.com/dev-tools/freedom-tools/v2020.12/riscv64-unknown-elf-toolchain-10.2.0-2020.12.8-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
tar -xvzf riscv64-unknown-elf-toolchain-10.2.0-2020.12.8-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
export PATH=path/to/toolchain/bin:$PATH

Clone the repository and configure:

mkdir nuttx && cd nuttx
git clone https://github.com/apache/nuttx.git nuttx
git clone https://github.com/apache/nuttx-apps.git apps

Building NuttX

Compile nuttx.bin:

cd nuttx
make distclean
./tools/configure.sh star64:nsh
make -j$(nproc)
riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary nuttx nuttx.bin

Build the file system:

make export
pushd ../apps
tools/mkimport.sh -z -x ../nuttx/nuttx-export-*.tar.gz
make import
genromfs -f initrd -d ../apps/bin -V "NuttXBootVol"

Write the dtb file:

  • Download the dtb:
wget https://github.com/starfive-tech/VisionFive2/releases/download/JH7110_VF2_515_v5.11.3/jh7110-visionfive-v2.dtb
  • In the nuttx directory:
cat << EOF > nuttx.its

/ {
  description = "NuttX FIT image";
  #address-cells = <2>;

  images {
    vmlinux {
      description = "vmlinux";
      data = /incbin/("./nuttx.bin");
      type = "kernel";
      arch = "riscv";
      os = "linux";
      load = <0x0 0x40200000>;
      entry = <0x0 0x40200000>;
      compression = "none";

    ramdisk {
      description = "buildroot initramfs";
      data = /incbin/("./initrd");
      type = "ramdisk";
      arch = "riscv";
      os = "linux";
      load = <0x0 0x46100000>;
      compression = "none";
      hash-1 {
        algo = "sha256";

    fdt {
      data = /incbin/("./jh7110-visionfive-v2.dtb");
      type = "flat_dt";
      arch = "riscv";
      load = <0x0 0x46000000>;
      compression = "none";
      hash-1 {
        algo = "sha256";

  configurations {
    default = "nuttx";

    nuttx {
      description = "NuttX";
      kernel = "vmlinux";
      fdt = "fdt";
      loadables = "ramdisk";

Ensure you have u-boot-tools installed on your system:

# sudo apt install u-boot-tools
# sudo pacman -S uboot-tools
# sudo dnf install u-boot-tools

Create the fit:

mkimage -f nuttx.its -A riscv -O linux -T flat_dt starfiveu.fit

Building the Image

Download the SD card image and flash:

wget https://github.com/starfive-tech/VisionFive2/releases/download/JH7110_VF2_515_v5.11.3/sdcard.img
sudo dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/your/device bs=1M status=progress

Flashing the Image

Flash the SBI environment onto the SD card:

unxz -k canmv230-sdcard.img.xz
sudo dd if=canmv230-sdcard.img of=/dev/your/sdcard bs=1M status=progress

Replace the fit file:

mkdir mnt
sudo mount /dev/your/sdcard/p3 mnt
sudo cp starfiveu.fit mnt/
sudo umount mnt
rm -r mnt

Logging into the System

Connect to the development board via serial port.

Expected Results

The development board outputting boot information normally.

Actual Results


Boot Log

Screen recording (from image flashing to boot):

Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion