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RT-Thread Maix-I K210 Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Hardware Information

  • Sipeed Maix-Bit (K210)

Installation Steps

Preparing the Source Code and Environment

Get the toolchain, download, and extract it.

Note: The official kendryte toolchain reports a floating-point type incompatibility error, while versions of the RISC-V toolchain prior to 8.2.0 have header file incompatibility issues. (See installation document)

Clone the repository and configure it:

git clone https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/
cd rt-thread/bsp/k210
scons --menuconfig
source ~/.env/env.sh
pkgs --update

In menuconfig, ensure the following options are correctly set:

RT-Thread online packages --->

peripheral libraries and drivers --->

Kendryte SDK --->

[*] kendryte K210 SDK

RT-Thread Components ---> C++ features

Then open rtconfig.py, find line 18, and replace EXEC_PATH with the bin directory of your extracted toolchain.

Compile the Code

Compile using scons:

scons --exec-path="path/to/toolchain/bin"

Flashing the Image

Flash using k_flash, toolchain documentation can be found at: https://github.com/kendryte/kflash.py

pip install kflash
kflash -b 115200 -p /dev/ttyUSBx rtthread.bin

Logging into the System

Connect to the development board via serial port.

Expected Results

Build succeeds, and the development board outputs RT-Thread startup information normally.

Actual Results

Build succeeded, and the development board output RT-Thread startup information normally.

Boot Information

Screen recording (from flashing the system to startup): asciicast

heap: [0x80076c43 - 0x80600000]

 \ | /
- RT -     Thread Operating System
 / | \     5.2.0 build Apr 18 2024 18:23:42
 2006 - 2024 Copyright by RT-Thread team
(rt_hw_interrupt_is_disabled()) assertion failed at function:rt_sched_post_ctx_switch, line number:1045 
[0] W/kernel.service: rt_hw_backtrace_frame_unwind is not implemented
please use: addr2line -e rtthread.elf -a -f 0x80013392[0] W/kernel.service: rt_hw_backtrace_frame_unwind is not implemented

Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful