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freertos on LicheeRV Nano

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FreeRTOS LicheeRV Nano Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Hardware Information

  • LicheeRV Nano
  • A Type-C power cable
  • A UART to USB debugger

Installation Steps

FreeRTOS on the LicheeRV Nano is integrated within the Linux SDK and interacts with the Linux system using a mailbox.

Viewing FreeRTOS Device

FreeRTOS communicates with Linux through a mailbox, which can be found in /dev as cvi-rtos-cmdqu.

Logging into the System

Logging into the system via the serial port.

Default Username: root Default Password: root

Expected Results

The system should boot normally, and the RTOS device should be visible.

Actual Results

The system booted normally, and the RTOS device was visible.

Boot Log

Welcome to Linux
licheervnano-b6c0 login: root
licheervnano-b6c0 login: root
# ls /dev/ | grep rtos

Screen Recording:


Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful.