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openEuler RISC-V 24.03 LTS-SP1 LPi4A Test Report

Test Environment

System Information

Hardware Information

  • Lichee Pi 4A (8G RAM + 32G eMMC)
  • USB-C Power Adapter / DC Power Supply
  • A USB-UART Debugger

Installation Steps

Download and decompress image

Download the image from official website: https://www.openeuler.org/en/download/#openEuler%2024.03%20LTS%20SP1

Choose RISC-V -> Embedded -> lpi4a.

zstd -d openEuler-24.03-LTS-SP1-riscv64-lpi4a-base-boot.ext4.zst
zstd -d openEuler-24.03-LTS-SP1-riscv64-lpi4a-base-root.ext4.zst

Flash to onboard eMMC via fastboot

By default the USB VID/PID of LPi4A are’t in the udev rules, you might need to use sudo while using fastboot.

Hold the BOOT button, then connect the USB-C cable (to your PC on the other side) to enter USB burning mode.

In Windows using device manager, you’ll see a device named USB download gadget.

In Linux using lsusb you’ll see a device like: ID 2345:7654 T-HEAD USB download gadget.

Use the following commands to flash the image.

sudo fastboot devices
sudo fastboot flash ram u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a.bin
sudo fastboot reboot
# Wait a few seconds until the board reboots and reconnects to your PC

sudo fastboot flash uboot u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a.bin
sudo fastboot flash boot openEuler-24.03-LTS-SP1-riscv64-lpi4a-base-boot.ext4
sudo fastboot flash root openEuler-24.03-LTS-SP1-riscv64-lpi4a-base-root.ext4

Logging into the System

Logging into the system via serial console.

Default username: openeuler or root Default password: openEuler12#$

Expected Results

The system boots up successfully and allows login via the serial console.

If connected to a network, SSH login should be possible.

Actual Results

The system boots up without issues, and both serial console and SSH login are successful.

Boot Log

openeuler-riscv64 login: openeuler

Authorized users only. All activities may be monitored and reported.

Welcome to 6.6.0-

System information as of time:  Thu Jan  1 08:01:24 AM CST 1970

System load:    1.13
Memory used:    2.5%
Swap used:      0.0%
Usage On:       8%
Users online:   1
To run a command as administrator(user "root"),use "sudo <command>".
[openeuler@openeuler-riscv64 ~]$ uname -a
Linux openeuler-riscv64 6.6.0- #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 29 15:11:05 UTC 2024 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
[openeuler@openeuler-riscv64 ~]$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="24.03 (LTS-SP1)"
PRETTY_NAME="openEuler 24.03 (LTS-SP1)"

[openeuler@openeuler-riscv64 ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
processor       : 0
hart            : 0
isa             : rv64imafdc_zicntr_zicsr_zifencei_zihpm
mmu             : sv39
uarch           : thead,c910
mvendorid       : 0x5b7
marchid         : 0x0
mimpid          : 0x0

processor       : 1
hart            : 1
isa             : rv64imafdc_zicntr_zicsr_zifencei_zihpm
mmu             : sv39
uarch           : thead,c910
mvendorid       : 0x5b7
marchid         : 0x0
mimpid          : 0x0

processor       : 2
hart            : 2
isa             : rv64imafdc_zicntr_zicsr_zifencei_zihpm
mmu             : sv39
uarch           : thead,c910
mvendorid       : 0x5b7
marchid         : 0x0
mimpid          : 0x0

processor       : 3
hart            : 3
isa             : rv64imafdc_zicntr_zicsr_zifencei_zihpm
mmu             : sv39
uarch           : thead,c910
mvendorid       : 0x5b7
marchid         : 0x0
mimpid          : 0x0

[openeuler@openeuler-riscv64 ~]$ 

Screen recording (from flashing image to logging into system):


Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful.