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revyos on LicheePi 4A
System Version
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RevyOS LPi4A Test Report
Test Environment
System Information
- System Version: RevyOS 20250123
- Download Link: Nginx Directory
- Reference Installation Document: Visit here
Hardware Information
- Lichee Pi 4A (16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC)
- USB-C Power Adapter / DC Power Supply
- USB-UART Debugger
Installation Steps
Download and decompress image
Download the image, use zstd
to decompress the image:
wget https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/revyos/extra/images/lpi4a/20250123/u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a-16g-main.bin
wget https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/revyos/extra/images/lpi4a/20250123/boot-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
wget https://mirror.iscas.ac.cn/revyos/extra/images/lpi4a/20250123/root-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
zstd -d boot-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
zstd -d root-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
Flash to onboard eMMC via fastboot
Use boot button to enter fastboot mode
Hold the BOOT button, then connect the USB-C cable (to your PC on the other side) to enter USB burning mode.
Use the following commands to flash the image.
sudo fastboot devices
sudo fastboot flash ram u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a-16g-main.bin
sudo fastboot reboot
sudo fastboot flash uboot u-boot-with-spl-lpi4a-16g-main.bin
sudo fastboot flash boot boot-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
sudo fastboot flash root root-lpi4a-20250123_195216.ext4.zst
Logging into the System
Logging into the system via serial console or graphical interface.
Default username: debian
Default password: debian
Expected Results
The system boots up successfully and can be accessed via the serial console.
Actual Results
The system boots up successfully and login via the serial console is successful.
Boot Log
Screen recording (from flashing image to logging into system):
____ _ ____ ____ _ __
| _ \ _ _ _ _(_) ___|| _ \| |/ /
| |_) | | | | | | | \___ \| | | | ' /
| _ <| |_| | |_| | |___) | |_| | . \
|_| \_\\__,_|\__, |_|____/|____/|_|\_\
-- Presented by ISCAS
Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid (kernel 6.6.73-th1520)
Linux revyos-lpi4a 6.6.73-th1520 #2025. SMP Wed Jan 22 09:5
3:08 UTC 2025 riscv64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
[ 131.605585] audit: type=1130 audit(1725224710.340:157): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294
967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='unit=user-runtime-dir@1000 comm="syst
emd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
[ 131.661424] audit: type=1101 audit(1725224710.396:158): pid=3275 uid=0 auid=4
294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='op=PAM:accounting grantors=pam_per
mit acct="debian" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" hostname=? addr=? term
inal=? res=success'
[ 131.685342] audit: type=1103 audit(1725224710.396:159): pid=3275 uid=0 auid=4
294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='op=PAM:setcred grantors=pam_permit
acct="debian" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" hostname=? addr=? termina
l=? res=success'
[ 131.707886] audit: type=1006 audit(1725224710.396:160): pid=3275 uid=0 subj=u
nconfined old-auid=4294967295 auid=1000 tty=(none) old-ses=4294967295 ses=3 res=
[ 131.722134] audit: type=1300 audit(1725224710.396:160): arch=c00000f3 syscall
=64 success=yes exit=4 a0=7 a1=3fe1cc2a70 a2=4 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 pid=3275 auid
=1000 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 c
omm="(systemd)" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" subj=unconfined key=(nul
Test Criteria
Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.
Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.
Test Conclusion
Test successful.
Source: Support Matrix