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Armbian LPi4A Test Report
Test Environment
System Information
- System Version: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Download Link: Releases · chainsx/armbian-riscv-build
- Reference Installation Document: LicheePi 4A Install Guide
- Fastboot Links:
Hardware Information
- Lichee Pi 4A (16GB RAM + 128GB eMMC)
- Power Adapter
- A microSD card
- A USB to UART Debugger
Installation Steps
Flashing Image
Use unxz
to decompress the image.
Use dd
to flash the image to the microSD card.
unxz /path/to/Armbian.img.xz
sudo dd if=/path/to/Armbian.img of=/dev/your_device bs=1M status=progress
Flashing Bootloader
Enter fastboot mode.
- Press BOOT while powering on.
- (Refer to the official tutorial) Use the fastboot command to flash u-boot.
sudo ./fastboot flash ram ./path/to/your/u-boot-with-spl.bin
sudo ./fastboot reboot
sudo ./fastboot flash uboot ./path/to/your/u-boot-with-spl.bin
Logging into the System
Logging into the system via the serial port.
On initial startup, you will be prompted to set up a user and password.
Expected Results
The system should boot normally and allow login via the onboard serial port.
Actual Results
The system booted successfully and login via the onboard serial port was also successful.
Boot Log
Screen recording
(From flashing uboot to system login, Flashing the image to the SD card has been completed in advance. ):
[ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution.
[ OK ] Finished Armbian hardware monitoring.
[ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
[ OK ] Finished Armbian filesystem resize.
[ OK ] Reached target Basic System.
Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State...
[ OK ] Started Armbian first run tasks.
[ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon.
[ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
Starting Network Manager...
[ OK ] Started Save initial kernel messages after boot.
Starting Remove Stale Onli…t4 Metadata Check Snapshots...
Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd...
Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
Starting System Logging Service...
Starting LSB: Set sysfs variables from /etc/sysfs.conf...
Starting Resets System Activity Logs...
Starting User Login Management...
Starting WPA supplicant...
[ OK ] Finished Remove Stale Onli…ext4 Metadata Check Snapshots.
[ OK ] Started System Logging Service.
[ OK ] Finished Resets System Activity Logs.
[ OK ] Finished Save/Restore Sound Card State.
[ OK ] Finished resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.
[ OK ] Started WPA supplicant.
[ OK ] Started Network Manager.
[ OK ] Started LSB: Set sysfs variables from /etc/sysfs.conf.
[ OK ] Reached target Network.
[ OK ] Reached target Network is Online.
[ OK ] Reached target Sound Card.
Starting chrony, an NTP client/server...
Starting Access point and …rver for Wi-Fi and Ethernet...
Starting NFS Mount Daemon...
Starting OpenVPN service...
Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...
Starting NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking....
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
Starting Hostname Service...
Starting Permit User Sessions...
[ OK ] Started vnStat network traffic monitor.
[FAILED] Failed to start Access poi…server for Wi-Fi and Ethernet.
See 'systemctl status hostapd.service' for details.
[ OK ] Started NFS Mount Daemon.
[ OK ] Started chrony, an NTP client/server.
[ OK ] Finished OpenVPN service.
[ OK ] Started /etc/rc.local Compatibility.
[ OK ] Started NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking..
[ OK ] Finished Permit User Sessions.
[ OK ] Started User Login Management.
[ OK ] Reached target System Time Synchronized.
[ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities.
[ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities.
[ OK ] Started Daily dpkg database backup timer.
[ OK ] Started Periodic ext4 Onli…ata Check for All Filesystems.
[ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week.
[ OK ] Started Daily rotation of log files.
[ OK ] Started Daily man-db regeneration.
[ OK ] Started Run system activit…ounting tool every 10 minutes.
[ OK ] Started Generate summary o…esterday's process accounting.
[ OK ] Reached target Timer Units.
Starting NFS server and services...
[ OK ] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0.
Starting Set console scheme...
[ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown.
Welcome to ARMBIAN!
Documentation: https://docs.armbian.com | Community: https://forum.armbian.com
Create root password: ****
Repeat root password: ****
Rejected - it is too short. Try again [3].
Create root password: ****
Repeat root password: ****
Rejected - it is too short. Try again [2].
Create root password: ****
Repeat root password: ****
Rejected - it is too short. Try again [1].
root@licheepi-4a-16gb:~# neofetch
`:+ssssssssssssssssss+:` ---------------------
-+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+- OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS riscv64
.ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso. Host: T-HEAD Light Lichee Pi 4A conf
/ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/ Kernel: 5.10.113-thead-g052b22ef8baf
+ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+ Uptime: 1 min
/sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/ Packages: 509 (dpkg)
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss. Shell: bash 5.1.16
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+ Terminal: /dev/ttyS0
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso CPU: (4) @ 1.848GHz
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso Memory: 200MiB / 15773MiB
Test Criteria
Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.
Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.
Test Conclusion
Test successful.
Source: Support Matrix