System Version
Last Update
Armbian Lichee Cluster 4A Test Report
Test Environment
System Information
- System Version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Download Link:
- Reference Installation Document:
- fastboot links:
Hardware Information
- Lichee Cluster 4A 8G / 16G
- DC 12V Power Supply
- USB-A to A
- or LPi4A Dock
- A microSD card
- Network and Ethernet cable (connect to BMC not switch)
Installation Steps
Below is an example of flashing to the first board in the cluster
Flashing Image
Use unxz
to extract the image.
Use dd
to flash the image to the microSD card.
unxz /path/to/Armbian.img.xz
sudo dd if=/path/to/Armbian.img of=/dev/your_device bs=1M status=progress
Flashing Bootloader
Use the u-boot downloaded above.
sudo ./fastboot flash ram ./path/to/your/lpi4a-$(ram_size)-u-boot-with-spl.bin
sudo ./fastboot reboot
sleep 10
sudo ./fastboot flash uboot ./path/to/your/lpi4a-$(ram_size)-u-boot-with-spl.bin
Logging to the System
Logging into the system via SOL (Serial Over LAN).
Default BMC username: root
Default BMC password: 0penBmc
Note that it’s 0
not O
Connect via ssh -p 2301 root@lichee-rv.local
Initially, the system will prompt you to set a username and password.
Common Issues
If USB is not working, it’s because the Linux device tree needs patching. Download patch
Expected Results
The system should boot up normally, allowing login via SOL (Serial Over LAN).
Actual Results
The system booted up normally, allowing login via SOL (Serial Over LAN).
Boot Log
Screen recording (from flashing the system to startup):
Welcome to ARMBIAN!
Documentation: | Community:
Create root password: ********
Repeat root password: ********
Rejected - it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters. Try again [3].
Create root password: ********
Repeat root password: ********
Choose default system command shell:
1) bash
2) zsh
Shell: BASH
Creating a new user account. Press <Ctrl-C> to abort
Desktop environment will not be enabled if you abort the new user creation
Please provide a username (eg. your first name): plct
Create user (plct) password: ********
Repeat user (plct) password: ********
Please provide your real name: Plct
Dear Plct, your account plct has been created and is sudo enabled.
Please use this account for your daily work from now on.
Detected timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
Set user language based on your location? [Y/n]
At your location, more locales are possible:
1) en_HK.UTF-8 3) Skip generating locales
2) zh_HK.UTF-8
Please enter your choice:1) en_HK.UTF-8 3) Skip generating locales
2) zh_HK.UTF-8
Please enter your choice:1
Generating locales: en_HK.UTF-8
Now starting desktop environment...
root@licheepi-4a:~# uname -a
Linux licheepi-4a 5.10.113-thead-g052b22ef8baf #riscv SMP PREEMPT Sun Sep 24 07:26:26 UTC 2023 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
root@licheepi-4a:~# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Armbian-riscv 23.09.15-riscv Focal"
Test Criteria
Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.
Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.
Test Conclusion
Test successful.
Source: Support Matrix