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rtthread on CanMV K230

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RT-Thread K230 Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

The official precompiled SDK includes RT-Smart.

Hardware Information

  • Development Board: Canaan Kendryte K230
  • USB A to C / USB C to C cable

Installation Steps

Flashing Image

Use unzstd to decompress the image. Clear your SD card. Use dd to flash the image to the microSD card.

gizp -d /path/to/k230.img.gz
sudo wipefs -a /dev/your_device
sudo dd if=/path/to/k230.img of=/dev/your_device bs=1M status=progress

Logging into the System

Logging into the system via the serial port.

Default user: root No default password.

The small core tty is for Linux, and the large core tty is for RT-Smart.

Actual Results

OpenSBI v0.9
vicap_mcm_init[I/utest] utest is initialize success.
[I/utest] total utest testcase num: (17)
msh />ov5647_power_rest OV564press 'q' to exit application!!
7_CAM_PIN is 0 
kd_vi_open_timestamp>enable stc
kd_mpi_isp_set_output_chn_format, width(1920), height(1080), pix_format(2)
kd_mpi_isp_set_output_chn_format, width(1280), height(720), pix_format(7)
ov5647_power_rest OV5647_CAM_PIN is 0 
vtotal 0 vactive 0 htotal_sys 0
[dw] init, version Feb  5 2024 16:26:41
<ipcm> phys 0x180000, size 0x79000
release reserved vb 275623936
release reserved vb 0
ov5647_power_rest OV5647_CAM_PIN is 0                                    
thread               pri  status      sp     stack size max used left tick  error
-------------------- ---  ------- ---------- ----------  ------  ---------- ---
tshell                20  running 0x00000c3a 0x00014000    03%   0x00000004 OK
sharefs_client         5  suspend 0x0000050a 0x00006000    05%   0x00000005 EINTRPT
thermal_detect_threa  16  suspend 0x000004da 0x00002800    12%   0x0000000a EINTRPT
auto_load_thread      16  suspend 0x000004ca 0x00002800    12%   0x0000000a EINTRPT
ipcm-discovery         5  suspend 0x000004fa 0x00001000    41%   0x00000001 EINTRPT
ipcm-recv              5  suspend 0x0000051a 0x00001000    33%   0x00000005 EINTRPT
tidle0                31  ready   0x00000478 0x00004000    09%   0x0000001a OK
timer                  4  suspend 0x00000488 0x00004000    07%   0x00000009 OK
msh />


Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful.