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ubuntu on PolarFire FPGA SoC Icicle Kit

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Ubuntu on Microchip Polarfire SoC FPGA Icicle Kit

Test Environment

Hardware Information

  • Microchip Polarfire SoC FPGA Icicle Kit development board
  • Original 12V 5A DC 5.5*2.1mm power adapter (comes with US standard plug, requires an adapter/replacement with national standard plug for use in Chinese mainland)
  • Two micro-USB to USB-A cables (included), used for connecting USB-UART, updating FPGA/HSS, and flashing images to the onboard eMMC
  • (Optional) An SD card (not recommended to use microSD with adapter, it may not be recognized; ensure the card is not write-protected)

Operating System Information

Other Information

Installing FlashPro Express Tool

Visit the mentioned download link and download according to your operating system.

Note: There is a login barrier, you need to register and log in to download.

Fill in the email and other information to register for free.

This tool supports:

  • Windows 10/11
  • RHEL/CentOS 7.x, RHEL/CentOS 8.0-8.2
  • OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 (SLES 12.3)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 20.04.3 LTS, and 22.04.1 LTS

I used Windows 11 Home x64, although the installer will prompt an unsupported system, it works fine.

Once downloaded, run and follow the default installation process. In Linux, first use chmod +x to grant executable permissions, then execute. Root permissions may be required.

Update FPGA Design & HSS

Ubuntu from kernel 5.19 depends on Icicle Kit Reference Design v2022.10 or newer versions.

Download the latest version from GitHub:


Download the MPFS_ICICLE_BASE_DESIGN_yyyy_mm.zip file and extract for later use.

Use the microUSB cable to connect the development board to the computer.

The development board has two microUSB interfaces, connect to the J33 interface near the power switch to flash the FPGA, as shown in the figure below.


Open FlashPro Express, click the top left menu Project -> New Job Project

Select the previously extracted MPFS_ICICLE_BASE_DESIGN, plug in the 12V power, power on the board, then click OK:

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At this point, the FPGA should be recognized. Ensure the dropdown menu on the left is set to PROGRAM, click RUN to start flashing the FPGA.

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A green prompt indicates success:

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Flashing the Image

Polarfire SoC FPGA Icicle Kit supports booting from onboard eMMC or SD card.

By default, it prioritizes the SD card. If the SD card is missing or fails to boot, it will boot from the onboard eMMC.

Flashing the Image to eMMC

Connect the microUSB cable to the USB OTG interface near the SD card slot, marked J19.

Connect the USB UART near the Ethernet interface, marked J11.

Your computer will recognize it as a CP2108 USB to UART. If this is the only USB to UART on your computer, four serial ports will be recognized.

On Windows, four COM ports will appear, on Linux, /dev/ttyUSB{0,1,2,3} will appear, as shown below:

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Interface 0 is for HSS output, Interface 1 is for U-Boot and Linux console output.

In Linux, they correspond to the first and second serial ports respectively.

Serial Port FunctionWindowsLinux
HSS ConsoleInterface 0/dev/ttyUSB0
U-Boot & Linux ConsoleInterface 1/dev/ttyUSB1

To flash an image to eMMC, connect to the HSS console, during startup (when prompted Press a key to enter CLI, ESC to skip) press any key to interrupt.



It will prompt Waiting for USB Host to connect.

At this point, your computer should recognize a USB mass storage device. Use Win32DiskImager/Rufus/USBImager/dd and other tools to write the image directly.

After writing the image, press Ctrl+C in the HSS console to exit USB storage mode. The image flashing is complete.

Flashing the Image to SD Card

Directly use Rufus/Win32DiskImager/dd and other tools to write the image to the SD card.

xzcat ubuntu-24.10-preinstalled-server-riscv64+icicle.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M iflag=fullblock status=progress 

Booting the Development Board

Power on the development board. The second serial port will display the boot information.

On the first boot, Ubuntu will invoke cloud-init. Limited by the performance of the development board, startup may take several minutes, which is expected.

Username: ubuntu

Password: ubuntu

You will be prompted to change the password upon first login, follow the instructions.

Expected Results

The system should boot normally and allow login through the serial console.

Actual Results

result is outdated(24.04)

The system booted successfully and login through the serial console was also successful.

Boot Log

Screen recording (from eMMC flashing to login):


Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful.

Reference Documents