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uniproton on Milk-V Duo (64M)

System Version

Not specified



Last Update


UniProton Milk-V Duo Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Note: This image is provided by community developers and is not an official image.

Hardware Information

  • Milk-V Duo 64M
  • A USB power adapter
  • A USB-A to C or USB-C to C cable
  • A microSD card
  • A USB to UART debugger (e.g., CH340, CH341, FT2232, etc.)
  • Three DuPont wires
  • The Milk-V Duo has pre-soldered pin headers required for debugging
  • Optional: Milk-V Duo IOB (baseboard)

Installation Steps

Flashing the Image to microSD Card Using dd

sudo dd if=oe2303_uniproton.img of=/dev/sdc bs=4M iflag=fullblock status=progress 

Logging into the System

Log into the system via the serial port.

Username: root Password: openEuler12#$


[root@openeuler-riscv64 ~]# mica --help
usage: mica [-h] {create,start,stop,rm,status,gdb} ...

Query or send control commands to the micad.

positional arguments:
                        the command to execute
    create              Create a new mica client
    start               Start a client
    stop                Stop a client
    rm                  Remove a client
    status              query the mica client status
    gdb                 Start GDB client

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
[root@openeuler-riscv64 ~]# mica status
Name                          Assigned CPU        State               Service
uniproton                     2                   Offline
[root@openeuler-riscv64 ~]# mica start uniproton
starting uniproton...
[  200.483901] mcs: mcs_mmap: want /dev/mcs address: 83140000 want size 20000 to process mem 3fd5e53000
[  200.494008] mcs: mcs_mmap: want /dev/mcs address: 830fb000 want size 2000 to process mem 3fd7174000
[  200.516319] mcs: mcs_mmap: want /dev/mcs address: 83000000 want size fd000 to process mem 3fd5e7e000
[  200.531638] mcs: start booting clientos on cpu2(83000000)
[  200.537558] rtos_cmd_qu send
d  2[Un0iPro0t.on 549] 0:5tr6a3p]_ ertntroy ss_pc m0xd0_0q000u0 008se3ffnfed
[UniProton 10] :do_irq irqn=61
[UniProton 11] :prvQueueISR
[Uni[ Pro t2o00n 1.25] 5:t4r2a2p2_en]tr ymc sp 0s:x0 00r00e0c00e8i3fvffeded0
ii[UocntiPlro cmtond  13t]o : dso_ireq nid rqnip=61
 :prtnioP rcotpuon 1(4]2)
UniProton : uart init done[UniProton 1] :pass bss init test!
[UniPr[o t o20n0 .2] :57pa96ss86] da rta toins_ict mtde_qst!u 
[  200.586525] mcs: received ioctl cmd to send ipi to cpu(2)
[  200.592454] rtos_cmd_qu send
start uniproton successfully!
[root@openeuler-riscv64 ~]# [UniProton 3] :[cvi_spinlock_init] succeess
[UniProton 4] :rtos cmdqu init done!
[UniProton 5] :a packeg cmd_id don't register 3
[UniProton 6] :a packeg cmd_id don't register 3
[  @201@@@.5@0@5@@326@@@@]@ rt@@@@os@@@_i@@@rq@@_h@a#n+=d=le+r# @@ir@@@q=@@@@39@@@@
.5@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%#=:...-+#@@#=:...-+#@@@@@@@@@@[ @ 2@@@@01@@
@ @236@0@6@]@ @m@c@s@@: @r@e@c@ei@%+-ve...:d =*%ip@@i @f@r@o@@@m %*cl-i:e.n.t: =*%os@@@@
@@@%.::%@@@@@@@@+ ...    ....-%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*..:@@
@@@%.:.%@@@@@@+.:.:-::. ..:.:+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*..-@@
[root@openeuler-riscv64 ~]# mica status
Name                          Assigned CPU        State               Service
uniproton                     2                   Running             rpmsg-tty(/dev/ttyRPMSG0) rpmsg-rpc

Use screen /dev/ttyRPMSG0 to get in Uniproton,type help for help。

Expected Results

The system should boot normally and allow login via the serial port.

Actual Results

The system boots normally and allow login via the serial port.