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threadx on Milk-V Duo (64M)

System Version

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Last Update


ThreadX Milk-V Duo Test Report

Test Environment

Operating System Information

Hardware Information

  • Milk-V Duo 64M
  • A USB Power Adapter
  • A USB-A to C or USB C to C Cable
  • A TF Card
  • A USB to UART Debugger (e.g., CH340, CH341, FT2232)
  • Three Dupont Wires
  • Header pins pre-soldered to the Milk-V Duo for debugging purposes

Build Steps

Prepare System Environment

sudo apt install -y pkg-config build-essential ninja-build automake autoconf libtool wget curl git gcc libssl-dev bc slib squashfs-tools android-sdk-libsparse-utils jq python3-distutils scons parallel tree python3-dev python3-pip device-tree-compiler ssh cpio fakeroot libncurses5 flex bison libncurses5-dev genext2fs rsync unzip dosfstools mtools tcl openssh-client cmake expect -y

Download and Build

git clone https://github.com/milkv-duo/duo-buildroot-sdk.git --depth=1
cd duo-buildroot-sdk/
./build.sh milkv-duo -j${nproc}

This process will generate an image file out/milkv-duo-????????-????.img. This is the image file.

If the process is not normal, please refer to the project introduction to troubleshoot.

Extract ThreadX-to-RISC-V64

Run in duo-buildroot-sdk.

git clone https://github.com/saicogn/ThreadX-to-RISC-V64.git --depth=1

Then modify build/milkvsetup.sh. Around line 455.


Modify as follows:

  #FREERTOS_PATH="$TOP_DIR"/freertos # 修改此项

Then build.

./build.sh milkv-duo -j${nproc}

This process will generate an image file out/milkv-duo-????????-????.img. This is the image file. Write it to the SD card.

Prepare TF Card

Write the generated out/milkv-duo-????????-????.img to the TF card. Rufus can be used.

Logging into the System

Logging into the system via the serial port.

Expected Results

The system should boot up normally and output threadx-related information.

Actual Results

The system boots up normally and outputs threadx-related information.

Boot Log

The serial port output after boot is as follows.

[root@milkv-duo]~# RT: [9.378810]threadx 1 running: 11
RT: [9.381959]threadx 0 running: 12
RT: [9.385273]float cal: 54
RT: [13.383809]threadx 0 running: 13
RT: [13.387046]float cal: 75
RT: [17.378809]threadx 1 running: 12
RT: [17.388810]threadx 0 running: 14
RT: [17.392046]float cal: 97
RT: [21.393809]threadx 0 running: 15
RT: [21.397046]float cal: 121
RT: [25.378809]threadx 1 running: 13
RT: [25.398810]threadx 0 running: 16
RT: [25.402046]float cal: 147
RT: [29.403809]threadx 0 running: 17
RT: [29.407046]float cal: 174
RT: [33.378809]threadx 1 running: 14
RT: [33.408809]threadx 0 running: 18
RT: [33.412046]float cal: 202
RT: [37.413809]threadx 0 running: 19
RT: [37.417046]float cal: 232



Test Criteria

Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.

Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.

Test Conclusion

Test successful.