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FreeRTOS Milk-V Duo Test Report
Test Environment
Operating System Information
- Build System: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS x86_64
- System Version: Duo-V1.1.4
- Download Link: Duo-Buildroot-SDK Releases
- Reference Installation Document: Duo-Buildroot-SDK
- FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS Core
Hardware Information
- Milk-V Duo 64M
- A USB Power Adapter
- A USB-A to C or USB C to C Cable
- A microSD Card
- A USB to UART Debugger (e.g., CH340, CH341, FT2232, etc.)
- Three Jumper Wires
- Milk-V Duo pre-soldered with necessary pins for debugging
- Optional: Milk-V Duo IOB (Baseboard)
Installation Steps
Building the mailbox-test Binary
Clone the duo-examples repository locally and build the binary.
sudo apt install -y wget git make
git clone --depth=1
cd duo-examples
cd mailbox-test
Packaging the Binary into the Image
First, check available loop devices:
sudo losetup -f
Sample Output:
(The output of the loop device varies depending on the device.)
$ sudo losetup -f
Download the official Buildroot SDK:
Next, mount the downloaded image, copy the compiled binary into the image, and disable
(The default firmware of Duo’s big-core Linux system controls the LED blinking, which is implemented through a boot script. When testing the program, it is necessary to disable the LED blinking script.)
sudo losetup /dev/loop14 milkv-duo-sd-v1.1.4.img
sudo kpartx -av /dev/loop14
sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop14p2 /mnt
cp ~/duo-examples/mailbox-test/mailbox_test /mnt/root/
sudo mv /mnt/mnt/system/ /mnt/mnt/system/blink.sh_backup
sudo umount /mnt
sudo kpartx -d /dev/loop14
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop14
Then, flash the modified image:
sudo dd if=milkv-duo-sd-v1.1.4.img of=/dev/your/device bs=1M status=progress
At this stage, the storage card is prepared. Insert it into the development board and get ready to boot.
Logging into the System
Logging into the system via the serial port.
Expected Results
The system should boot normally. After logging in through the onboard serial port, the mailbox_test
binary should run, causing the onboard blue LED to turn on and then off.
Actual Results
The system booted successfully, logging in through the onboard serial port was successful, and the mailbox_test
ran correctly with the onboard LED turning on and then off.
Boot Log
[ 2.661662] snsr_i2c snsr_i2c: i2c:-------hook 0
[ 2.666687] snsr_i2c snsr_i2c: i2c:-------hook 1
[ 2.672065] snsr_i2c snsr_i2c: i2c:-------hook 2
[ 2.677348] snsr_i2c snsr_i2c: i2c:-------hook 3
[ 2.682555] snsr_i2c snsr_i2c: i2c:-------hook 4
[ 2.730079] vi_core_probe:203(): res-reg: start: 0xa000000, end: 0xa07ffff, .
[ 2.739981] vi_core_probe:216(): irq(32) for isp get from platform driver.
[ 2.748046] vi_tuning_buf_setup:253(): tuning fe_addr[0]=0x81e9f490, be_addr0
[ 2.759288] vi_tuning_buf_setup:253(): tuning fe_addr[1]=0x81e5f490, be_addr0
[ 2.770463] vi_tuning_buf_setup:253(): tuning fe_addr[2]=0x81e7f490, be_addr0
[ 2.781577] sync_task_init:177(): sync_task_init vi_pipe 0
[ 2.787548] sync_task_init:177(): sync_task_init vi_pipe 1
[ 2.793501] sync_task_init:177(): sync_task_init vi_pipe 2
[ 2.799943] vi_core_probe:252(): isp registered as cvi-vi
[ 2.854348] cvi_dwa_probe:487(): done with rc(0).
[ 2.885812] cv180x-cooling cv180x_cooling: elems of dev-freqs=6
[ 2.892085] cv180x-cooling cv180x_cooling: dev_freqs[0]: 850000000 500000000
[ 2.899887] cv180x-cooling cv180x_cooling: dev_freqs[1]: 425000000 375000000
[ 2.907553] cv180x-cooling cv180x_cooling: dev_freqs[2]: 425000000 300000000
[ 2.915264] cv180x-cooling cv180x_cooling: Cooling device registered: cv180xg
[ 2.950592] jpu ctrl reg pa = 0xb030000, va = (____ptrval____), size = 256
[ 2.958257] end jpu_init result = 0x0
[ 3.075954] cvi_vc_drv_init result = 0x0
[ 3.092349] sh (167): drop_caches: 3
Starting app...
[root@milkv-duo]~# ls
[root@milkv-duo]~# ./mailbox_test
RT: [20.143355]prvQueueISR
RT: [20.145702]recv cmd(19) from C906B, param_ptr [0x00000002]
RT: [20.151434]recv cmd(19) from C906B...send [0x00000004] to C906B
C906B: cmd.param_ptr = 0x4
RT: [24.158481]prvQueueISR
RT: [24.160825]recv cmd(19) from C906B, param_ptr [0x00000003]
RT: [24.166558]recv cmd(19) from C906B...send [0x00000004] to C906B
C906B: cmd.param_ptr = 0x3
Screen recording:
Test Criteria
Successful: The actual result matches the expected result.
Failed: The actual result does not match the expected result.
Test Conclusion
Test successful.
Source: Support Matrix